Small-scale, family farms can't compete with the factory farms of today in gaining access to large-scale distribution channels. Ironically, selling product locally is often more difficult than selling product to a distributor who will sell to points unknown. We decided to flip the model. Through the FarmLink website, farmers and producers sell to our network of buyers throughout West Michigan, but make just one delivery to our warehouse in Grand Rapids. Moreover, our producers get paid directly by FarmLink so there is only one transaction to track.
New Revenue Stream: Farmers now have access to new customer bases, including many that were out of reach before. By aggregating a range of products, we create demand where there may have been none for each individual product.
Value: Our surcharge is much lower than that taken by traditional distributors. Farmlink's online system keeps overhead low, allowing growers to keep the margin that would have been taken by a traditional distributor. Items for sale on our website come straight from the producer.
Convenience: In addition to moving more product, accounting is easer and sales are known prior to delivery. Instead of spending the day delivering to multiple buyers, growers that sell on FarmLink only need to make one drop and receive one check.
Transparency: There is no more direct access than straight from the farmer's hands. At FarmLink, we call this "meet the makers." Drop by any Tuesday and meet your growers. Tell us what you need and we'll find the grower.